Praha v říjnu
Other title(s): Prague in October
Genre: Documentary film
Year: 1945
Runtime: 00:08:00
Description: A film about the first post-war October in Prague is also an experimental work in colour documentary. in addition to the colors of the autumn trees, it also plays with the colors of the neon lights and shows night-lit Prague. The commentary addresses the consequences of the war, calls for peace-building and resolutely names Prague as a "European crossroads", an "intersection of cultures", a "heart of the continent" leading to post-war prosperity.
Keywords: pacifismus / staré a nové / plody práce / pacifism / old and new / fruits of labour / Edvard Beneš / Praha / Prague / VICTOR-E project
Provider: Národní filmový archiv
Rights: In Copyright / NFA/Dillia
Production company: Československá filmová kronika
Colour: Colour
Director: František Sádek
Sound: With sound
Document type:
Language: cs